Tara posted a condolence
Sunday, January 29, 2023
I am so blessed from all time and summers I spent with Gram. One of the funniest “life lesson” is while spending the summer in Rainbow Lk…scrubbing up pots and pans in the huge camp kitchen sink. Something wasn’t coming clean so Gram instructed I use a little elbow grease…well I remember hanging from that big ole sink peering under on the shelf looking for that Elbow Grease! I think it was the summer following grade 3. Still makes me laugh!!
I’m comforted knowing Gram is fully restored in the presence of our Saviour Jesus, and we will spend eternity in the glory of God.
marlindgmctavish@gmail.com Posted Jan 30, 2023 at 9:35 AM
Vicki lit a candle
Saturday, January 28, 2023
I remember Auntie Audrey sharing her baked goods with us when we went to visit her in Vulcan many years ago. Over the recent years we had many long telephone calls which I miss. You niece Vicki (Walin) Dueck
Marlin McTavish posted a condolence
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Love this photo of you Mom, sitting in your front step and chatting it up with Al and I during one of our summertime visits from the Coast. As my Mother-In-Law, you always had such energy and vigour as you shared your stories, your wisdoms, your memories, your coaching & finger tapping while I played Solitaire, your ideas and your Love. You reminded me every year on my Birthday (Nov 2) that this date was your Anniversary of your marriage to Hugh, Al’s Dad. And you always really liked it when I told you that I was still taking good care of “your boy”….Alf being your youngest son. I will miss you Mom. You are very special. written with love, Marlin McTavish
Lorelei Renn lit a candle
Friday, January 27, 2023
What a Beautiful Tribute, to a Beautiful Lady! I didn't know your Mom, but this tribute made me wish I had the chance to meet her! My God settle Peace into each of your hearts! And may you 'Smile" with every thought of her! Lots of love and sympathy to you all. Xo Xo Lorelei
The family of Audrey George Fraser uploaded a photo
Thursday, January 26, 2023
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Ron Damberger posted a condolence
Friday, January 20, 2023
To all of the families and especially Joyce , we offer sincere blessings and hugs. Joyce you have done well in keeping care of your Mom. We remember you stopping by with her and she loved getting the raspberries and potatoes. Take care. Ron and Eilene Damberger